Leduc Seventh-day Adventist Church
4601 51 St
Leduc, AB T9E 5C2
The Pastor is available to anyone who would like a visit. Please call him to arrange an appointment or set up an office session.
If there are individuals who would like to prepare for baptism through Bible study, please contact the pastor.
If you have a neighbor or friend who would like to study the Bible, please forward their contact to the Pastor.
Service Times:
Sabbath School: 10:15 AM
Worship Service: 11:15 AM
Pastor Ryan Reeves....... 780-232-2926 pastor@leducadventist.ca
Head Elder
Glenn Knopp.........780-986-5469 esther_knopp@hotmail.com
Head Deacon
Reg Watt ....................................................................780-264-0118
Communication Secretary
Marissa Turner ............................................................780-722-0186
Bulletin Preparation
Yvonne Leslie…… 780-986-4858….....…….deleslie20@hotmail.com
Church Clerk
Yvonne Leslie .............................................................780-986-4858
Alberta SDA Conf................403-342-5044 info@albertaadventist.ca
Coralwood Adventist Academy principal@coralwood.org.
Leduc Church Code (for ABC online orders) #21049