From The Pastor’s Desk
These last few months have been unprecedented. So much in the world have changed since March. Nevertheless, we continue to praise God
for his keeping care and loving kindness. As we face these difficult times, I want to encourage you to keep holding on to Jesus who promises
to give us grace in the times of our needs.
The difficult days have not stopped us from worshiping together so, let me bring you up to speed with our present meeting arrangements:
We continue to meet for interactive worship each sabbath via Microsoft Teams. Each week an invitation with the meeting credentials are
shared via e-mail. You can also check this website each week for the meeting invitation as well as how to join us. Also, a select few have
been meeting at the church each Sabbath for worship. Irrespective of how you choose to join us for worship, we all worship together, thanks
to technology.
We praise God for your faithfulness in the support of the work of God. Please continue to return your tithe and give your offerings through
online giving (via this website) or interact e-transfer through your online banking portal. You can also choose to drop off your tithe and
offering at the church during Sabbath worship time.
Whatever your spiritual needs, we are here to serve you. You can simply begin by contacting us through our contact page.
Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.” (James 57 & 8, NKJV).
Pastor M. Webster Turgott